The Calvine UFO - A Photographic Analysis
A summary of the updated version of the report I produced for Dr David Clarke in June 2022 after he discovered the only extant photograph of the Calvine UFO sighting (originally published June 2024).
Included below is a summary of the findings of my report on the only surviving original photograph of the Calvine UFO Sighting which was in the possession of Mr Criag Lindsey from the time of the sighting in August 1990 until handed over to Dr David Clarke in June of 2022. Upon David’s return from Scotland I immediately examined the print, its envelope and the accompanying photocopies, made high resolution photographs and scans, and produced an initial report which contributed to David’s article in the Daily Mail (13th August 2022 - Link).
Subsequently I had further opportunity to examine the print and made additions to my report resulting in the version included here (V5) produced in June 2024 which contributed to David’s updated story published in the Daily Mail (7th June 2024 - Link)
Further details of the story and attempts to identify the photographer and uncover the truth of the sighting can be found on David Clarke’s Substack here.
Here is the summary of my findings (the full report is attached as a PDF below)
This investigation concludes that the print provided to the researchers by Craig Lindsay is without doubt a genuine copy of the original Calvine photograph analysed by the MoD in 1990.
This black and white print is most likely to have been made from a copy negative produced by the Daily Record on Ilford XP-1 film from an original colour print provided by the witness. This print was probably produced on a Colour Mini-Lab machine at the Daily Record prior to the original colour negatives being provided.
As far as can be determined the image itself is a genuine photograph of a scene before the camera and if any manipulation or construction took place, this was something occurring in the scene rather than in camera or in post-production. No evidence of any such manipulation before the camera can be found.
No evidence of the date of the photograph or the location at which the photograph was taken can be derived from the print and for these essential details we are reliant on the eyewitness testimony shared with the Daily Record and Craig Lindsay.
Although the print is credited to ‘Kevin Russell’ the true identity of the photographer remains unknown.
An Teampan, the summit of Struan Point to the south of Calvine is a possible location for the photograph however this cannot be confirmed as the location without further evidence.
There is insufficient data to reach any conclusion regarding what the unidentified object might be.
The projected timeline of the photograph being captured on the 4th of August, arriving at the Daily Record in late August and at the MoD on the 10th of September fits with all available evidence.
All evidence provided by the Calvine print, its envelope and the accompanying photocopies, fits with the essential narrative of the sighting provided by Craig Lindsay and other credible sources.
If the image is the result of a hoax, no evidence of this is present in the image.
Since its original publication the Calvine research team have made high resolution copies of the origanal image available for research purposes and we would encourage anyone wishing to study the image to download a copy HERE
© 2024 by Andrew Robinson / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0